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Women's Patterns
Documented Historic Clothing Patterns
for the Living History, Museum and Theatrical Costumer
Use your scroll bar to view more patterns below!
New! Woman's Night Cap
c. 1790-1820
A beautiful and delicate style Night Cap, meant for
wear in bed and for warmth. This is a wonderful addition to your
wardrobe for camping. Keep one in your gear. It is also wonderful for
the bedroom on cold nights, or just for fun.
This pattern is inspired
by the instructions given in “The Lady’s Economical Assistant”, by a
Lady, originally printed in 1808, and is documented with similar
original night caps. Construction techniques are based on minimal
information included in the primary source and typical construction used
in original caps.
The night cap is made
with a double layer front head piece for warmth. It is intended to have
a double ruffle round the face. It can be made with or without ruffles
on the ends of the bands. Front ruffles can be made with tapered or
square ends. It can be worn with the bands hanging loose, tied in a bow,
or wrapped around the neck.
Detailed, illustrated hand sewing instructions are
given. However, if you need a night cap solely for cold events, or
winter emergencies, and don't care about authenticity in sewing, one can
be made fairly quickly on machine if you have a rolled hem attachment.
Modern machine method steps are also provided for this purpose.
This cap pattern is in one size only, based on
original information, but can be easily altered per instructions. The
pattern is on tissue paper.
Pattern KK-6105
$12.00 US each

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© 2014 Kannik's Korner |
New! Woman's Caps and Bonnets
c. 1790-1820
This full scale pattern includes two day caps which are
based on originals, and four bonnet styles inspired by originals and
numerous contemporary illustrations. The patterns are on tissue paper and
include the embroidery for View A, as well as three border pattern options
for View B. There are four bonnet front shapes, made with pasteboard
stiffened brims, and the caul (soft back part) can be attached over or under
the front, pleated or gathered. These options alone provide 16 variations,
plus there are four sizes of cauls and directions for optional ties.
The twenty page booklet includes documentation, as well as extensive
instructions. Embroidery tips and some special techniques are included. Hand
sewing stitches and techniques are also included.
Basic embroidery stitches are not included.
Sizes: Cap A - 2 sizes; Cap B- 3 sizes;
Bonnets - sizes vary.Pattern KK-6603
$18.00 US each

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then maximize window.
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A Matching Girl's Bonnets pattern is
Notions and Tools for above Bonnets
Pre-cut "Bonnetboards"
Ready-made pasteboard bonnet fronts
These are the prepared stiffener layer of the bonnets from our pattern. They are hand cut of single thickness pasteboard, with two coats of
shellac. They may need to be touched up, as described in the KK-6603 pattern
No directions are included with the pasteboard fronts. Order Pattern
KK-6603 above for pattern and directions.
They will ship flat, in a large package, so there must be a place where the
package can be delivered safely out of the weather and wind.
Pasteboard Front - KK-6603-PF
$18.00 each
Curved Needle for Bonnet Making
and other sewing

Click image for larger view
Curved needles make it much easier to sew in
the lining of the front brim on a pasteboard bonnet brim. These
needles are made in England.
From eye to point measures 1-5/8".
Sold two needles per pack.
Curved Needle/2 pack - CN-2
$1.00 per pack
Woman's Shift
A full size pattern of this undermost garment, useful for Empire and Federal
style gowns, with a drawstring neckline to help adjust shift to gown neckline, and short
sleeves to go with the fashion of the period. Based on original cutting directions, with
construction techniques from several extant garments.
Includes sizes XS-S-M-L-XL-2X-3X.
Pattern KK-6103
$18.00 US each
and Girl's Caps
Everyday Headwear
View A: Round Eared Cap has several
variations, including single or double ruffles, and ruffles that are
continuous and un-split at top center of the forehead, or that are split
at that point. There are also two sizes of caul (back piece) for the
woman's size, which can accommodate different head sizes and hairstyles,
and a Girl’s or Small Woman’s size. The caul neckline has a narrow
drawstring. c.1740-1810.
View B: Mob Cap is quite adjustable, and is given only in
the size of the original caps. The top of the headpiece (front piece)
has two delicate drawstrings, and the caul neckline has a narrow
drawstring. c. 1740-1820. Worn especially by older women during the
early 1800s.
View C: Grand Coiffe is a sheer cotton muslin head
covering frequently worn over another cap, such as the round eared cap,
sometimes under a hat, and is also worn for un-dress (inside home)
without a cap. It can have a very narrow lace trim on the hems. The back
of the head has a delicate drawstring, which draws up the triangular cut
of the coiffe into a nicely fitting shape. c. 1730-1790.

Learn More about the Mob Cap,
View B
Pattern KK-6602
$18.00 US each
Woman's Short Cloak
Second half of the 18th Century (1750-1800)
A comfortable, functional, working cloak.
Just right for cool days and chilly nights! Based on original eighteenth century cutting
directions, with construction techniques from several extant garments.
Includes sizes S-M-L-XL-XXL.Pattern KK-6901
$16.00 US each

Tip! |
Stockings, Pockets
& Mitts
A full scale, multi-size, pattern for constructed stockings for men or women,
with instructions for custom fitting. Can be made of knitted cloth, or of linen cut on the
bias (good for 17th, 18th, early 19th century). Five pocket styles, including three
mid-18th century (English, Scotch, & Italian), and two second half 18th century from
America. Also includes a pattern for women's common linen mitts, cut on the bias (one
Includes stocking sizes S-M-L-XL-2X-3X
Pattern KK-6001
$15.00 US each