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Women's Patterns
Documented Historic Clothing Patterns
for the Living History, Museum and Theatrical Costumer
Use your scroll bar to view more patterns below!
and Girl's Caps
Everyday HeadwearView A: Round Eared Cap has several
variations, including single or double ruffles, and ruffles that are
continuous and un-split at top center of the forehead, or that are split at
that point. There are also two sizes of caul (back piece) for the woman's
size, which can accommodate different head sizes and hairstyles, and a Girl’s
or Small Woman’s size. The caul neckline has a narrow drawstring.
View B: Mob Cap is quite adjustable, and is given only in
the size of the original caps. The top of the headpiece (front piece) has
two delicate drawstrings, and the caul neckline has a narrow
drawstring. c. 1740-1820. Worn especially by older women during the
early 1800s.
View C: Grand Coiffe is a sheer cotton muslin head covering
frequently worn over another cap, such as the round eared cap, sometimes
under a hat, and is also worn for un-dress (inside home) without a cap. It
can have a very narrow lace trim on the hems. The back of the head has a
delicate drawstring, which draws up the triangular cut of the coiffe into a
nicely fitting shape. c. 1730-1790.

Pattern KK-6602
$18.00 US each
Learn More about the Mob Cap,
View B
Woman's Bedgown
"Manteau de Lit" - 1730-1770
A full scale pattern, based on the text and illustrations in Description des Arts et
Métiers, Art du Tailleur, by M. de Garsault, 1769. Commonly worn by working class
women as day wear. Sleeve style is "en pagoda". Upper body and sleeves are
lined. Several variations of sleeves and body are discussed. Cut and construction
based on the original text (as well as illustrations), common techniques of the period, as
well as research on bedgowns.
|  See the review in Muzzleloader
Nov/Dec 1999 issue! |
Original French text and English translation, are included!
Also includes illustrations meticulously redrawn from Garsault.
Includes sizes XS-M-L-XL-XXL-XXXL
Pattern KK-6501
$20.00 US each |
Woman's Shift
Second Half of the 18th Century (1750-1800)
English Style Shift (Chemise)
A full size pattern of this undermost garment, with stitching instructions, including whip gathered
ruffle. This pattern is a composite of similar characteristics found in three original
shifts now in museum collections, plus additional documentation.
printed pattern.
Includes sizes S-M-L-1X-2X-3X-4X.
Pattern Revised March 2012
Please see our Notice on this pattern
Pattern KK-6102
$18.00 US each |
Woman's Cap & Bonnet
c. 1760-1800*
Working Class English Style HeadwearBased on original eighteenth century cutting
directions, with construction techniques from originals. The cap can
be documented to an earlier period. A similar bonnet can be documented to an earlier
Many variations of bonnets are found in advertisements, prints,
and paintings, including many of Quakers who continued to use plain, unadorned bonnets
well into the 19th century,
beyond their fashionable use.
Includes three caps sizes, original bonnet size, and a smaller graded size.
* This pattern was formerly dated
"Fourth Quarter of 18th Century"
Pattern KK-6601
$14.00 US each
Customer Comment
Learn more about bonnets!
more about bonnet board! |
Woman's Short Cloak
Second half of the 18th Century (1750-1800)
A comfortable, functional, working cloak.
Just right for cool days and chilly nights! Based on original eighteenth century cutting
directions, with construction techniques from several extant garments.
Includes sizes S-M-L-XL-XXL.
Pattern KK-6901
$16.00 US each
Tip! |
Stockings, Pockets
& Mitts
A full scale, multi-size, pattern for constructed stockings for men or women,
with instructions for custom fitting. Can be made of knitted cloth, or of linen cut on the
bias (good for 17th, 18th, early 19th century). Five pocket styles, including three
mid-18th century (English, Scotch, & Italian), and two second half 18th century from
America. Also includes a pattern for women's common linen mitts, cut on the bias (one
Includes stocking sizes S-M-L-XL-2X-3X
Pattern KK-6001
$15.00 US each