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Copyright 2003-2010 Kannik's Korner and its licensors.
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Large Priors Interior Sheets
of these sheets are reprints of Alfred Jacobsen backdrops and wings, printed by Priors. Some sheets are
printed on both sides, creating a translucent effect when used with back lighting. The full backdrop
sheets measure approximately 17 inches wide by 12 inches high, except the
sheets numbered P-004 through P-070, which are the same height, but
narrower. The sheet
numbers are based on the original Alfred Jacobsen numbers, preceded
by P for our purposes, except for the 600 series, which are
reproductions done by Priors.
Prior sheets on this page are priced as marked.
Please note that item numbers which are followed by the
letter "R" are "Rare". In other words, they are in limited availability,
and therefore may be priced much higher than other sheets. |
P-047-048-R Turkish Hall Set
Backdrop & Wings
$18.00 per set
P-062-R Cellar
P-024-R Green Room
AJ, sheet 24
P-018-R Green Room
AJ, sheet 18
P-019 Ship's Cabin
AJ, sheet 19
See also sheet P-022.
P-044/054-R Red Room
Backdrop and Wings
AJ, sheets 44 & 54
P-022 Soffits and Harbor
AJ, sheet 22
Center piece is the soffit for P-019 cabin, and
the bottom horizon can be used for same set
Telegraph Station
P-066 Telegraph Wings
P-389-390-R Church w/mid-drop
includes several set pieces
P-372-R Ship's Cabin -
$17.00 each
P-366 Armory Hall
P-365 Hall with Fireplace
P-398 Rococo Room
P-539-R Renaissance Room
P-549 Sitting Room.
P-550 Barn
Note: P-066, above, can
be used for wings
P- 609 Dungeon
P-613 Old Living room
P-614 Old Living room
Middle-drop with "Live" furniture!
P-610 Rococo Hall
P-625 Attic Room
[not an AJ sheet]
P-626 Attic Room
[not an AJ sheet]
P-631 Parlor
P-632 Parlor
Middle Curtain, set pieces
P-637 Bell Tower
New! P-255-C-tree
Christmas Tree
(Color laser print)
$3.00 each
P-623 Oriental Hall